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Biometric Time and Attendance Systems installed at Buhwejju Growers Tea Factory

Installation of fingerprint biometric time and Attendance

 On 19th October 2021, our software team traveled to Buhweju Growers Tea Factory to install biometric Time and Attendance software. 


  • Installation of Time and attendance System
  • Mounting biometric Devices
  • Training Users on how the management system works
  • Configuring the Communication of the software and the biometric devices


 Fingerprint Time and Attendance will help fix  factory employees working hours, automatic shift allocation, import shift, Daily & monthly Attendance report, Leave taken / balance report, Actual log report, Holiday group creation by Branch, Employee portal for leave apply / cancel, Leave approve / reject by approving officer, Multi User creation by branch, User Rights, Mobile monitoring app for field employees and extra

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