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Hotel Room Check-out

Room Check-out

Check-out one of the most critical function of a hotel if not the most important, it requires undivided attention of the front desk team as it will leave a lasting impression on your guests. The process has to be quick and error free, you can generate invoices in no time, add extra charges and process payments while offering guests the service they deserve. 

Check out activities

  • Handling Credit Bills: The guest has check-in the room by the name of the company, such payment is shown as credit basis while check-out and such charges is done by particular enterprise. Such payment or transaction are shown as credit basis until the settlement cleared by the company. While in the group check-in, one of the guest want to checkout before the reserved date and the room rent is paid by other remaining guest. Such payment shown as credit and charges is posted to remaining guest ledger.
  • Cancel check-out: Cancel Check-out is the module for Delete the Check-out Entry. Once you cancel the check-out, the room reverse back to the occupied status along with all details of guest. This is used to make correction in wrong bill or mistake check-outs. Cancel check-out is not simply deleting the record. But here we take care about the security of data. Each Cancel check-out is recorded in audit trail report.
  • Payment Mode: The payment may in the form of CASH, Credit card, debit Card, Cheque etc. The payment Module is designed to make easy capture all type of payment modes. Select the Proper mode of Payment given by the guest and Update the payment Details. By Default system will consider the payment Mode as CASH.
  • Night audit: A hotel night audit verifies the integrity of accounts through cross-referencing. A hotel night audit is conducted on a daily basis due to the transactional nature of the hotel business. The weltraum software helps to record complete information related to management of the hotel and accounting in particular form by day end process. One of the primary functions of the hotel night audit is to ensure that all transactions affecting guest and staff accounts are posted to appropriate folios before the end of the day.
  • City ledger management: City ledger management concept which explains the credit bills of the guest. If the guest check in the room with the company name and such charges will paid by the company in future days instead of the guest. the guest of the company or any individual guest who makes the hotel rent charges on credit basis, such outstanding amount will record in city ledger option. In upcoming days the guest or related company will claim such outstanding amount by lamp-sum.

Room Check-out

Check-out one of the most critical function of a hotel if not the most important, it requires undivided attention of the front desk team as it will leave a lasting impression on your guests. The process has to be quick and error free, you can generate invoices in no time, add extra charges and process payments while offering guests the service they deserve.

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