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Meals Management System

Meals Management System

Many Organizations/companies have their own Canteen/meals facility service providers on contract to provide drinks, snacks / Meals at economical price for their employees. Meals Management System designs and provides a user friendly system to control, monitor and audit employees’ meals details and contributions within a specified period of time.

The main objective of this Meals Management System is to manage the details of Food served, Tokens printed, employee/employer contributions. It manages all the information about Food, Orders, Food break times, multiple food counters.

The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access with only those assigned with different user rights. This application program will reduce the manual work for managing the Food served, employer/employee contributions, food break times, Token issuance to the right employees, Orders served daily

Why you need Meals Management System

  • Define Food Timings for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Supper etc, and also define Employee / Employer Contributions towards meals, Easy to integrate with existing Face / Fingerprint / RFID Card based Terminal, • Reconciliation between the company and the caters is made easy
  • Meals Management System enhances and upgrades the existing manual system by increasing and automating its efficiency and effectiveness. The software improves the working methods by replacing the existing manual system with the electronic-based system solution.
  • The Meals Management System automates each and every activity of the manual system and increases its throughput. Thus the response time of the system is very less and it works very fast.
  • The software Meals Management System has a very user-friendly interface. Thus the users will feel very easy to work/interact with it. The software provides accuracy along with a pleasant interface. Replace the present manual system with a more interactive, speedy and user friendly system solution.


This is very important aspect of the designed MMS and cover areas of hardware reliability, fall back procedures, physical security of data and provision for detection of fraud and abuse.

System design involves first logical design and then physical construction of the system. The logical design describes the structure and characteristics of features, like the outputs, inputs, files, database and procedures. The physical construction, which follows the logical design, produces actual program software, files and a working system


Drilling the place where the biometric fingerprint meals machine is going to be fixed. This is a place where the employees clock in before proceeding to the food counter. This work was done at Mastermind Consult Limited


Fixing the biometric clock in Machine at Mastermind Consult LTD at their Uganda Baati Office