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Payroll Management System

The system and its features

Payroll software allows the computing of the number of productive hours or minutes of an organization’s employees. That is to say; it helps the calculation of the remuneration of employees based on the attendance tracking systems. This system is and can be fully customized to suit and solve any kind of different challenges faced in terms of human resource management

Main Features

  • Salary Processing
  • Advance/Loan

Pay Features

Configuration Setup.

  • Comprehensive employee master.
  • Multiple record grouping levels for accurate analysis.

Communication Module

  • Can be fully integrated with multiple ERP and attendance systems.
  • Multiple technologies can work on the same software, providing flexibility to the user.

PMS Intergration

All our software solutions are customized hence can be integrated with any other third party systems like SAP, CRM, TALLY and any other kind of ERP systems for easy communication and transmission of data for a better service delivery

What you can do with our Payroll Management System

  • In case of any integrations, our client should be able to link us with the other software solution service providers for the better and quick integration process but if all solutions are From Kaslex, then it’s automatically done during installation period
  • Accessing and processing of data can be done with a single click. Data manipulation has become simpler and the cost factor has been reduced. It is faster and more efficient processing of data
  • It is less time consuming and operations are more transparent. Communications and interaction between the users will be more efficient.
  • It will give a huge lift to the company’s operations. Whatever that you have been doing manually will completely be shifted to the computerized process and this will enable the company to carry out its operations more quickly than before. This will also give a wider spectrum of communication to both all your departments especially the HR & Finance departments since all the work processes will have been computerized resulting to more efficient processing of data.

Our Proposal

The IT Industry simply can’t afford solutions that don’t come with full assurance of stability and a reliable support organization. This is where KASLEX SOLUTIONS LTD comes in. We Design, Deploy, Integrate, Update, Manage, Maintain, train and support, services and products for our esteemed clients.

Having introduced and expressed KASLEX SOLUTIONS to you and your institution, we therefore propose our Payroll management System (PMS) and you will not regret partnering with us as your ICT service provider. We are committed to satisfying our customer needs thus driving you towards achieving your Goals