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School Management System


Our School Management System allows you to monitor and control your institutes from a single dashboard with ease. It has features that  allows  you to get instant insights on performance

It has a rich and flexible toolset enables both teachers and administrative staff to manage even thousands of students in hundreds of batches, courses, classes across multiple institutes with absolute ease

Below are some of the highly used modules; also we deliver on an average TWO new modules every quarter.

Enquiries, Registration & Admissions Automation 

Handling enquiries to admissions  

  1. We automate the entire admission low as per the School guidelines.
  2. Online admission form integration with school website and ERP.
  3. Online payment integration in inquiries
  4. List of All Enquiries with Date and Time
  5. Instant sms noti ications to parents
  6. Export datewise pre-admission list to pdf and excel
  7. Automatic sms to counselor for parents follow-up based on date and time
  8. Datewise follow-up history for counselor
  9. 20+ Reports (i.e- State, City, Education Board, Academics, etc.)

Student Information System

  1. A quick and easy way to access all students’ records.
  2. Various student reports (student count report, gender, category-wise reports, etc.) on a click away, also customized reports on demand.
  3. Bulk document and record upload.
  4. Gender, Religion, Social, and economic category-wise report with class and section ilters

User Management 

  1. Just 3 simple Rules- Student, Employee, and Administrator.
  2. Permission setting to give module access to employee
  3. Read Only Access of ERP to employees with a single click.
  4. Change History to track what/when/Who changed the data and revert the changes.

Human Resources

  1. Organized and effectively managed employee records, leaves, and payroll.
  2. Monthly, Yearly Leave accrual.
  3. Leave work low which enables a group-wise leave approval process.
  4. Leave Reset and Encashment.
  5. Leave Carry forward with/without expiry.
  6. Leave discussion automation for late coming.

Student ID Card and Employee Cards 

  1. Generate students and employee cards instantly.
  2. Customized Icard for users.
  3. ID card veri ication slips
  4. Fee & Finance

Fully customizable school fees collection parameters to suit your school needs.

  1. Secure, comprehensive, and robust.
  2. Complete Fee classi ication system.
  3. Easy fee submission process.
  4. Quick cheque con irmation and Instant SMS alerts.
  5. 10+ types of existing fee receipt formats.
  6. Fee payment Alerts
  7. Easy and quick payment collection
  8. Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly provision for fee collection
  9. Partial and Advance payment collection
  10. Access to Defaulters list.
  11. Online payment option to further automate the collection process
  12. Customized receipts for schools
  13. Access fee and student wallet.
  14. Online payment integration with no additional costs.
  15. 50+ Fee Reports.


Rapid attendance feature, absence notification to parents, & upload leave  applications.

  1. State of art user experience with Instant SMS alert to parents on present/absent marking with Multi-Lingual Support.
  2. Biometric, RFID Integration
  3. Use of physical attendance register look alike view to give comfort to teachers.