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Kaslex Software Solutions

Great Software Solutions For Business

We design customized Software from scratch tailored to specific business needs.  We design and develop diverse platforms, best-of-breed tools and techniques, combined with industry best practices, KASLEX offers scalable end-to-end application development and management solutions from requirement analysis for deployment and rollout

TMS - Time and Attendance Management System

Fingerprint biometric HR Time and attendance Management System  will help fix working hours

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MMS - Meals Management Systems

System designs provides a user friendly system to control, monitor and audit employees’ meals details and  contributions within a specified period of time

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PMS - Payroll Management System

The system that allows the calculation of the remuneration of employees based on the attendance tracking systems

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Customized Software Development

We build customized software from scratch with specific business needs and our software can be integrated with other systems

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Hotel Management System

Hotel management ensures a constant influx of visitors and guests to the hotel. The system helps hotel staff to do away with paperwork and perform important tasks more efficiently and also helps to reduce room vacancies and double-bookings.

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Kaslex Mapping Mobile App

We build customized software from scratch with specific business needs and our software can be integrated with other systems

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Asset management system

Asset management system  helps to manage all of its assets across the business both tangible or intangible. These can include personnel, buildings, software and hardware, inventory, monetary assets, and anything vital to the business’s day-to-day running

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Web Reporting Tools

The software allows presenting data in an actionable format via the web. Reporting as a whole, is used in an early part of the data analysis process and serves to present data in a visual and often interactive way for further data discovery or data analysis.


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Projects works delivered with Kaslex software

Kaslex Software Experise

We have various software products out there in the industry from our basket. We can proudly say that we have solved a variety of difficulties of our clients in the time of our existence in the biometric technology of Uganda and in other areas of our service provision. Our Clients have continued to appreciate our high value-adding solutions and have regarded us more as growth partners